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Extinct Animals That Looked Like a Penguin

Extinct Animals That Looked Like a Penguin

Photo Courtesy: SEBASTIEN BOZON/AFP/Getty Images

Due to poaching, pollution, climate change and habitat loss, extinction has become a global crisis — now more than ever. Although yous'd like to imagine the possibility of sea turtles and tigers going the style of the dodo is improbable, extinctions are more than likely than y'all might want to believe.

Advances in science provide hope that some species could be saved, just, in the meantime, major losses could severely change the world'due south ecology. Here are 30 animals currently teetering on the brink of extinction.

Scimitar-Horned Oryx

Due to over-hunting, drought and excessive livestock grazing, the number of scimitar-horned oryx dwindled speedily, and this creature became extinct in the wild. Even so, in contempo years, these svelte, antelope-looking creatures have been slowly reintroduced in Chad, Tunisia and Niger.

Photo Courtesy: Ron T. Ennis/Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Tribune News Service/Getty Images

These desert dwellers are uniquely capable of treatment arid climates, unlike other livestock. To deal with lack of water, the oryx can handle an internal body temperature of 116 degrees Fahrenheit in order to sweat less and conserve the water it has ingested.

Hawksbill Body of water Turtle

Named for their narrow beaks, hawksbill ocean turtles are hunted for the distinctive design of overlapping scales on their shells. Unremarkably, hawksbill shells are sold as "tortoiseshell" — looking similar to the popular eyeglasses pattern.

Photo Courtesy: Marker Conlin/VW PICS/Universal Images Grouping/Getty Epitome

Found throughout tropical waters, hawksbills use their distinctive beaks to excerpt and feed on sponges also as sea anemones and jellyfish. These critically endangered creatures help maintain the oceans' coral reefs, and so their extinction could have severe impacts on marine ecosystems the world over.

Black Rhinoceros

Native to Namibia, the black rhino is the smaller of the two species of rhino that call the continent of Africa habitation. According to the World Wild fauna Fund, the black rhino's population dipped to a historic depression between 1960 and 1995. Cheers to invasive European hunters and colonizers, this 98% drop brought the species' numbers to less than 2,500 individuals.

Photo Courtesy: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/film brotherhood/Getty Images

Although they are withal considered critically endangered, blackness rhinos have seen a resurgence in recent years with their population reaching between 5,042 and 5,455 individuals. Even though protections are solidly in place, these creatures are still impacted by poaching, every bit their horns remain pop on the blackness market.

Amur Leopard

Amur leopards are a favorite of large game poachers. The Globe Wildlife Foundation estimates that simply 84 Amur leopards be in the wild today. Hunted for their beautiful coats, these leopards are now considered critically endangered.

Photo Courtesy: SEBASTIEN BOZON/AFP/Getty Images

Although people ofttimes associate leopards with savannas, this rare species lives in the temperate forests of Russia. Similar other leopards, the Amur leopard is known for its speed, traveling up to 37 miles per hour.

Bornean Orangutan

Native to the forests of Borneo and Sumatra, the orangutan in question has experienced a population drib of about 50% since the 1960s. The primary cistron? Human being interference — such as logging and hunting — has caused a harsh reduction in the species' habitat. In full, nearly 105,000 individuals remain.

Photo Courtesy: Afriadi Hikmal/Barcroft Media/Getty Images

The orangutan's prominence varies by region. For case, in northwest Borneo, habitat reduction has been and then astringent that just 1,500 individuals remain today. Comparatively, individuals in central Borneo number about 35,000.

Giant Tortoise (Pinta Island Tortoise)

When you retrieve giant tortoise, you might retrieve of the Galápagos Islands and Charles Darwin — and y'all wouldn't be wrong. A number of subspecies of giant tortoises are spread across the world's islands. Some take dome-shaped shells, while others take saddleback shells. Regardless, behemothic tortoises on the whole are considered a "vulnerable" species.

Photo Courtesy: RODRIGO BUENDIA/AFP/Getty Images

One such subspecies, known as the Pinta Isle tortoise, saw the last of its species pass abroad in 2012. Known as "Lonesome George," the sole surviving tortoise from Pinta Isle (ane of the nearly northerly islands in the Galápagos) was thought to exist 100 years old. Researchers tried to save the Pinta subspecies by finding George a mate just didn't succeed.

Malayan Tiger

Until 2004, researchers thought Malayan tigers were Indochinese tigers, but DNA testing revealed the specimens to be separate subspecies. Found on the Malay Peninsula as well as in Thailand, these tigers are considered "critically endangered."

Photo Courtesy: Omar Marques/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The Malayan tigers' numbers have dipped drastically depression, with a total of 250 to 340 individuals yet in beingness in the wild. Unlike other endangered species, which often see a resurgence after protection measures are put in identify, the Malayan tiger has experienced a steady refuse.

California Condor

In 1987, Due north America's largest land bird went extinct in the wild due to habitat loss, poaching and lead poisoning. Fearing the California condor would completely disappear, the United States government captured the 27 remaining wild condors, planning to breed them at zoos in San Diego and Los Angeles.

Photograph Courtesy: Education Images/Universal Images Grouping/Getty Images

Since this conservation endeavor was initiated, condors have been reintroduced into the wild, including in parts of Arizona and Utah about the One thousand Canyon and Zion National Park, respectively. Despite these proactive measures, the California condor is all the same listed as "critically endangered" with less than 500 individuals surviving today.

Spix's Macaw

Also known as the footling blue macaw, this species is native to Brazil, with its concluding remaining flock living in the northeastern function of the country. Sightings of the Spix'southward macaw are extremely rare, with but ii reported glimpses between 2000 and 2016.

Photo Courtesy: Patrick Pleul/picture alliance/Getty Images

In fact, sightings are so rare that the International Wedlock for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has deemed them extinct in the wild. To help bolster the species' numbers, the Brazilian government has organized a convict breeding program.


Dubbed the "Asian unicorn," the saola is a mysterious creature. Piffling is known about the animate being, which calls the evergreen forests of Lao people's democratic republic and Vietnam abode. In fact, the saola — meaning "spindle horn" in Vietnamese due to those iconic parallel horns — was only discovered in 1992.

Photo Courtesy: @GISH/Twitter

This find, which occurred less than three decades ago, marked the first discovery of a new large mammal in more than fifty years. Although information technology'south unclear just how many saola exist in nature today, they are considered a "critically endangered" species.

Cross River Gorilla

Unlike other primates, cross river gorillas are incredibly wary of humans — not to mention, they live in rugged, densely-forested areas. Consequently, researchers take had a difficult time counting them, but recent estimates put this critically endangered species' population in the ballpark of 200 to 300 individuals.

Photo Courtesy: @AminaJMohammed/Twitter

Humans pushed the gorillas deeper into the forests and farther damaged their habitats by clearing forests for timber, growing crops or maintaining livestock. As with many endangered species, poaching presents a huge problem, although the governments of Cameroon and Nigeria are working together to terminate this threat.

Southern Rockhopper Penguin

Known for its distinctive yellow brows (or crests), the southern rockhopper penguin calls the subantarctic waters of the western Pacific and Indian Oceans besides equally the waters around the southern coast of South America home. Instead of being named afterward those colorful crests, the penguins got their name because of their hopping movements.

Photo Courtesy: DeAgostini Flick Library/Getty Images

Over the course of the last iii decades, this species' population has fallen sharply — past estimates of 25% or more. Climate modify — with its changing water temperatures — likewise equally the afterward effects of oil spills and commercial angling continue to threaten this vulnerable population.

Greater One-Horned Rhino

Institute throughout Nepal, northern India, Bhutan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the greater i-horned rhino (or Indian rhinoceros) isn't then mighty when information technology comes to population numbers. Hunted for sport — also because they were considered crop-destroying pests — the species came close to extinction in the early 1900s.

Photograph Courtesy: Jerry Redfern/LightRocket/Getty Images

At that time, only 200 or then greater one-horned rhinos lived in the wild. Luckily, the rhino'south conservation has been successful so far, thanks to a joint effort between the Indian and Nepalese governments. Although these creatures are nevertheless considered vulnerable, roughly 3,500 individuals roam the grasslands of India and Nepal today.


Cousins of the manatee, dugong are distinct from their relatives due to their dolphin-similar tails. Dugongs are strictly marine mammals — no freshwater, please — grazing in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Traditionally, this species, which is rich in cultural significance, was hunted past folks living in Commonwealth of australia and the Pacific Islands.

Photograph Courtesy: SIRACHAI ARUNRUGSTICHAI/AFP/Getty Images

Nevertheless, commercial fishing for the dugong's meat and oil has greatly fragmented the beast'due south population. Despite existence protected in many countries, the dugong's ho-hum rate of reproduction paired with ongoing hunting leave it vulnerable to extinction.

Sumatran Tiger

Known as the smallest tiger subspecies, Sumatran tigers are the concluding remaining tigers in Indonesia. Less than 400 individuals struggle to survive in the thin patches of wood on the isle of Sumatra.

Photo Courtesy: THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images

Due to deforestation and poaching, this species could join its relatives on the extinct list. Despite increased conservation efforts — poachers in Indonesia confront hefty fines and jail time — a market nonetheless exists for tiger pelts. Even if the poaching is curbed, Sumatran tigers are nevertheless losing their habitats and food sources at a rapid rate.


Dubbed the earth'southward rarest marine fauna, the vaquita is a relatively new discovery — and already on the brink of extinction. First spotted in 1958, this special porpoise frequently drowns in gill nets used by illegal fishing operations off the coast of Mexico.

Photo Courtesy: HECTOR GUERRERO/AFP/Getty Images

Experts guess the species is critically endangered with roughly 30 individuals living in the wild. The Mexican government, various environmental organizations and even actor/activist Leonardo DiCaprio successfully worked to ban gill nets, but the ban did little to help the vaquita population. Now, researchers are attempting to implement a captive breeding program, to niggling avail.

Vancouver Island Marmot

The Vancouver Isle marmot is an extremely rare mammal. As you may have guessed, it is native — and contained — to its namesake isle in British Columbia. In 2003, researchers counted less than 30 marmots living in the wild in colonies, leading to its inclusion on Canada'due south federal Species At Risk Deed (SARA).

Photo Courtesy: @NatureCanada/Twitter

Thankfully, recovery efforts have proven successful. In 2022, more than 200 marmots populated more than 20 colonies in the island'south mountains. Despite this population increase, changes in weather patterns and the clearcutting of forests yet threaten marmots to this day.

Western Chimpanzee

Highly social and devoted to their offspring for many years, chimpanzees are humans' closest cousins. In fact, 98% of our genes line upwardly. Nigh chimps spend their time in the treetops of the forests of cardinal Africa, only coming down to catch a bite to eat. (Relatable content.)

Photo Courtesy: CAROLINE SEIDEL/AFP/Getty Images

Perchance human's close relation to these animals makes their endangerment fifty-fifty more than upsetting. Due to poaching and habitat loss, the chimpanzee population has dropped to less than 300,000 individuals.

Socorro Isopod

Ane of just seven freshwater species in a family that's oftentimes found amidst saltwater marine life, the Socorro isopod might be tiny, simply its impact is immense. Due to the diverting of several warm springs in New United mexican states that fed the isopod's marshland habitat, the species is now confined to 164 feet of habitat.

Photo Courtesy: @gallinafiedler1/Twitter

In 1978, the species was added to the endangered species list. Still, nearly all the Socorro isopods were wiped out when an invasive root dammed the water menstruation into the creature's delicate habitat.

Red-Crowned Roofed Turtle

This freshwater turtle is native to Southern asia — and loves basking in the lord's day. The red-crowned roofed turtle population has declined in Nepal, India, People's republic of bangladesh and elsewhere due to a variety of factors.

Photo Courtesy: @Loretta778

In addition to being harvested for their shells and meat, these turtles are often caught in fishing nets and get victims of water pollution, habitat loss and the after-effects of hydro-electric power structures. Information technology'southward estimated that fewer than 400 adult females exist in the wild, causing India to institute a convict breeding programme for this endangered animal.

Scarlet Wolf

The cherry-red wolf is native to the southeastern United States and is a notable subspecies of the wolf and coyote, which interbred thousands of years ago. With a unique lineage, the ruby-red wolf has been deemed exceptionally worthy of conservation.

Photo Courtesy: Salwan Georges/The Washington Mail service/Getty Images

Unfortunately, the Endangered Species Act of 1973 didn't fully protect mixed species similar the crimson wolf. In 1996, the IUCN added the species to its critically endangered list. Due to ongoing hunting, the red wolf population in North Carolina dropped to less than 60 individuals in 2016.

Salt Creek Tiger Beetle

The Salt Creek tiger beetle dwells in the ground, snapping up prey like a cat waiting to pounce. After a university-sponsored survey, Nebraska added the beetle to its endangered species list in the 1990s, a good decade earlier the U.South. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Photo Courtesy: @USFWSMtnPrairie/Twitter

In 2014, i,110 acres of wetlands were dedicated to conservation efforts. A 2009 report indicated that but 194 adult beetles existed, simply, by 2013, that number increased to 365 beetles.

Yangtze Finless Porpoise

These critically endangered porpoises are named after the Yangtze River — the longest river in Asia. Not to mention, the Yangtze is one of but two rivers in the globe that is domicile to species of dolphins. The other species was the Baiji dolphin, although information technology was declared extinct in 2006.

Photograph Courtesy: Xinhua News Bureau/Cheng Min/Getty Images

Today, betwixt one,000 and 1,800 finless porpoises exist in the wild. A myriad of factors, from pollution and shipping traffic to the utilise of hydroelectric dams, has devastated the population. Yangtze finless porpoises are now more endangered than Cathay's iconic panda.

Great White Shark

Known equally the largest predatory fish on Earth, the great white shark can weigh up to 5,000 pounds. However, contrary to what Jaws (1975) taught you, great whites are only responsible for a third of annual shark attacks worldwide.

Photo Courtesy: Dave J. Hogan/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Despite their reputation, these carnivores are considered a vulnerable species. Scientists have adamant the species' population is decreasing due to overfishing — non to mention accidentally communicable these predators in deadly gill nets.

Marine Iguana

Charles Darwin once described these Galápagos Island natives as the "nearly disgusting, clumsy lizards." With salt-encrusted heads and crocodile-similar tails, marine iguanas won't be winning any dazzler pageants, simply their unique features brand them more than capable on both land and in water.

Photo Courtesy: Reinhard Dirscherl/ullstein bild/Getty Images

Unfortunately, the marine iguana is constantly threatened past non-native species on the Galápagos. Feral cats, rats and dogs routinely swallow the iguanas' eggs and immature.

Crimson Panda

Well-nigh the size of a domesticated cat, blood-red pandas live in the trees of the Eastern Himalayas, using their bushy tails for rest. Like the better-known black and white pandas, this species has an extended wrist os, which acts like a pollex and allows them to munch on bamboo.

Photograph Courtesy: Ali Atmaca/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Sadly, these endangered animals are victims of deforestation. Their habitats are constantly shrinking due to logging and agriculture. Today, less than ten,000 individual red pandas exist in the wild across Myanmar, Nepal, Bharat and Prc.

Bigeye Tuna

Bigeye tuna can weigh in at a whopping 460 pounds, only its massive size can't keep this big fish out of hot water. Due to overfishing, this species' population has faced a sharp decline. In 2012, more than 450,000 metric tons of bigeye tuna were caught by commercial fisheries.

Photo Courtesy: Nick Hawkins/@EAC_Marine/Twitter

Added to the Greenpeace International crimson list in 2010, the fish is at take a chance of disappearing, and most researchers propose eating other types of tuna to allow this species to recover. Moreover, rising ocean temperatures have taken a cost on marine phytoplankton — bigeye tuna'southward main source of food.

Stream Toad (Ansonia Smeagol)

The Ansonia smeagol — or stream toad — was named after the big-eyed character in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings series. It lives in upland streams in mountainous areas in Malaysia.

Photo Courtesy: @gallinafiedler1/Twitter

While related stream toads can be found in India, Thailand, Borneo and the Philippines, the Ansonia smeagol is particular to Malaysia. This makes the species rare — and easily threatened. Unfortunately, the expansion of tourist resorts has impacted the toad'southward habitat as well.

Polar Bear

Thanks to h2o-repelling, insulated coats, polar bears can withstand extreme temperatures. As a issue, these marine mammals spend most of their time in the water or on the ice in the Arctic Ocean — and fifty% of that fourth dimension is dedicated to hunting for food.

Photograph Courtesy: Janine Schmitz/Photothek/Getty Images

Unfortunately, climate change has had a devastating bear upon on polar deport populations. Their sea ice habitats are melting speedily. Since 2008, the polar conduct has been listed as "threatened" nether the United states' Endangered Species Act.

African Elephant

Native to roughly 37 countries in Africa, the African Elephant is the largest terrestrial beast on Earth, weighing up to 6 tons. Both subspecies — the savanna elephant and the wood elephant — are hunted for their prominent tusks.

Photo Courtesy: Giulio Origlia/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Roughly one third of the total African elephant population is made of forest elephants, which are more often than not the main targets of ivory trade poachers. It'south estimated that 415,000 individuals exist in the wild, making the species a vulnerable population.

Extinct Animals That Looked Like a Penguin




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